Sunday, March 1, 2015

How to solve conflicts in Git Pull Requests

Github allows people to collaborate and be more productive. One such way of collaborating is Pull Requests. It let us to tell others about that changes that we want to merge for a specific repository on Github.
The recommended way is to first fork the repo that you want to contribute. Then clone the forked repo. Create a branch and add commits to that branch. Then push your commits to the remote repo that you forked. If there are changes between our branch and upstream branch Github allows us to open a pull request.

You can find more information about forking, cloning, branching etc. from the Github documentation .

Here, I'm going a one step ahead.
Sometimes when you have created a pull request Github will report that there are merge conflicts in the pull request that you created. This happens because in both the upstream and your branch same files have been changed in the same point making it difficult for Github to merge by itself. In this case we have to resolve the conflicts manually.

It's just a matter of following steps below. :)

1. First fetch the upstream
git fetch upstream

2. Switch to the master branch
git checkout master

3. Merge the fetched upstream to the master branch
git merge upstream/master

4. Switch to the branch that you did developing stuff
git checkout <your_branch>

5. Merge the master with your branch
git merge master

Here you will see if there are merge conflicts

6. Solve the conflicts with git mergetool
We can solve the conflicts with Meld
For that we just have to give the tool type to the git mergetool command as below.
git mergetool -t meld

This will open up the merge window with three columns.
The left most shows your local working copy as LOCAL.
The right most shows the remote branch change to be merged as REMOTE.
The middle one is the half finished merge which is the BASE. This is one which is finally going to be saved. So you have to merge changes from the LOCAL and the REMOTE to the BASE.

7. Then commit all changes.
git commit -m "Commit message"

8. Finally push commits to your remote repo.
git push origin <your_branch>

Hope this would help.

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